The Politicising and Censoring of Hydroxychloroquine, How it Works and Why You Don't Need It

Ok folks…I just wanted to share a few things about a fraud being committed regarding HCQ (hydroxychloroquine); why it is being suppressed by pharmaceutical backed industry, and also how HCQ works, and what you can do alternatively….

I hope by now, if you have been following things deeply, you can see the fraud and deception being committed against the people.

Committed by the largest pharmaceutical companies, controlled by powerful families, who also control the intelligence agencies and through them, mainstream media on television and radio, the largest social media platforms and networks and of course…Hollywood.

Hence censorship…which is very alive and real, and happening now in our so-called democracy that is meant to value free speech.  Censorship is fascism’s tool and the dark path to dictatorship...a technocratic, oligarchical dictatorship.

HCQ has been in use ‘effectively’ as an off-label drug for decades against malaria and other maladies.

I qualify this by saying that it effectively suppresses symptoms of toxic crisis and cleansing wrought by our ever present friends and helpers – the various micro-organisms of nature, including those found in the living eco-system of our body.

HCQ’s patent is also expired and it is produced and available for sale for literally cents in the dollar…compared to newly arriving patented drugs against coronaviruses, including vaccines, the latter which are/will be controlled by only a relatively few select investors.

HCQ has been supported in the past by the NIH (US National Institute of Health and directly by Dr Fauci), as well as by the CDC (Centres for Disease Control), particularly for its off label use in successfully ‘curing’ sars-cov-1 viruses or corona viruses.  The peer reviewed medical literature is abound with this information. So why now has HCQ been banned and labelled as dangerous?

Including here in Australia.

Doctors are coming out and speaking against this fraud and deception, where many people have died being denied this drug, so that fatalities may rise and give credence to the danger of sars-cov-2, which hasn’t actually been shown to exist as any different to sars-cov-1.

I’m not going to go into the many nuances of this and ways this is being perpetrated here.  I don’t have the space. But there are nefarious and disingenuous people involved in real malfeasance.

Why are the reputations of these brave doctors whom are speaking out being discredited, and their voices being silenced, with their testimony being denied on media and deleted from all media channels?  Hopefully you can put two and two together.

At least now they are taking their fight directly to the White House for assistance in overcoming this corruption, which is taking lives, just to make a comparative handful of people filthy rich.

See a list of these doctors here (as obtained by a notice put out by the World Health Sovereignty Summit, whom you can reach here: info@relaimyourlives.com)

Dr. Simone Gold MD—31 years in emergency medicine, LA, CA.

Dr. Bob Hamilton—pediatrician from Santa Monica, CA. Private practice for 36 years

Dr. Stella Immanuel—primary care physician in Houston, TX. 30 years in emergency medicine.

Dr. Dan Erickson—16 years in emergency medicine, Bakersfield, CA

Dr. James Todaro—graduate of Columbia University Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

Dr. Joe Lodapo—physician, clinical researcher, and Associate Professor-in-residence at the David Gergen School of Medicine

Dr. Ladapo graduated from Wake Forest University and received his MD from Harvard Medical School and his Ph.D. in Health Policy from Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

As you can see, these courageous men and women are putting it all on the line.  They are not kooks or quacks, but very experienced and knowledgeable in their fields. (Just like Andy Wakefield…one of many other victims of Pharma cartel character assassination and censorship.)

The pharmaceutical industry is the most powerful in the world, having extremely deep pockets, and hold sway over our politicians and hence laws through their powerful lobbying networks.  This industry is tied in with the big Agri-chemical companies and business, military industrial complex, and ultimately, the fiat currency banking empire through a handful of banks and mega-corporations controlling a cascading plethora of others through their boards of directors.

Only your willingness to see this can ever bring you hope of breaking free of its net and claiming back a life of empowerment for yourself…in many different ways.

So why does HCQ seem to be so effective in helping people get well again, in particular against this ‘viral’ outbreak known as Sars-cov 2 and its predecessors?

(A note: I do not align with viral theory. For the uninitiated it may be hard to accept that viruses as they are currently accepted in the mainstream literature do not exist or function in the manner described.  They are not living cells, but mechanisms of the cells of living beings that have a messenger and triggering function in biology/physiology…in accordance with the Laws of Life that are consistent throughout the natural world.  For all intents and purposes, they may even be composed of life colloids but this is a much deeper topic which I can’t go into here but ties in, if you have done your homework, with terrain theory and pleomorphism, both of which are consistent with the Laws of Life in the natural world.)

HCQ prevents the coronavirus (meaning all its derivatives) from binding to the ACE2 receptors on the surface of cells, whereby it gains a foothold to inject its RNA load (messenger molecule) inside for triggering a physiological response by the ‘host organism’. We’ll discuss this response shortly.

HCQ works by making the interior of the cell more alkaline because it is an alkaline compound and up-taken by the cells. Only cells of a sufficiently acidic nature can receive the ‘virus’ at their ACE2 receptor binding sites.  This is in peer reviewed literature folks.  A sufficiently alkaline cell will not allow the ‘virus’ to bind and inject it’s messenger payload.


Because the alkaline cell does not need to perform the function of cleaning house and expelling its acid load that is impeding its healthy function…the very reason why all cleansing phenomena of a physiological nature occur.  These phenomena include all so-called infections whether bacterial or ‘viral’ in nature, ultimately including parasitic infestation as well.

People whose cells, and thus the tissues and organs that they compose, are overloaded with acid waste become weak and diseased.  This ultimately makes a weak and diseased human…all dis-ease arising from violations to the Laws of Life. 

An overly acidic system (body) is just one, but a major, such cause of disease.  Life struggling to make its host body perform well and efficiently again attempts to dump this acid waste in periodical cleansing efforts that usually occur in the cooler seasons.  This because disposal through our largest organ of elimination, the skin, has been compromised as blood circulation largely retreats deeper into the body to preserve body heat and maintain effective body temperature…thereby conserving life (or vital) forces.

When a ‘virus’ (RNA messenger construct) thus triggers a cleansing effort, by being replicated by body cells in the (usually) cooler months [coronaviruses can only live in cooler temperatures just so you know…but there are other triggers], it signals to all acidic cells it can reach to dump its waste load into circulation for processing and removal.

The symptoms of which we call flu, inflammation, catarrh, infection, disease etc etc etc. The fact that people are overcome and die is testament unfortunately to their infirmity…not the malevolence of Life. And the fact that the cleansing effort has such intensity is due to the myriad means of suppression with which the individual has engaged, to prevent such prior cleansing efforts from occurring.

In our superficially focussed world with its quick fix pleasure (or at least pain numbing) schemes we are not accustomed to being uncomfortable, or feeling the pain within, which we have by choice created. The uninformed therefore welcome the trash bag of pharmacopeia to suppress the symptoms of these cleansing efforts, believing that they have been cured.  Instead, they have just banked those disease producing wastes deeper into their system, so that the resultant degeneration they cause only compounds for later debilitating or deadly effect.

To shorten and tie this sharing up though, you can aid this cleansing effort, or prevent it entirely, not by relying on HCQ, which ‘established interests’ are desperately trying to deny to you (and I wouldn’t take myself anyway)…but by living in a way that allows your cells to return to an alkaline state.

The simplest way of doing this is by eating a diet of whole, living fruits and vegetables as much as possible, while minimising the inputs of waste producing foods, or eliminating them entirely in a judicious or timely cleanse or detox.

The technicalities of how and why this works will have to wait for another article.

That’s all for now.

Thank you for getting this far.

Yours in health truth and freedom.



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